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If you're struggling to secure a job or get on an apprenticeship, a traineeship could be the ideal solution

Traineeships to help you get the job or apprenticeship you want

If you are aged 16-24 and are struggling to kick-start your career, it might be beneficial for you to take a traineeship in order to improve your skills and boost your CV. The more experience you have and the more knowledgeable you are about a particular industry or specific role, the more options you will have available.

During your traineeship you will be able to start building up your skillset and can learn more about the things that employers want. By the end of the programme you should be ‘work ready’ and eager to start a job. Traineeships are also designed to prepare you for an apprenticeship and give you the basic English and Maths skills that you need to succeed in work. You will learn how to create the perfect CV and start to build your confidence so that you can excel professionally.

If you are struggling to find work, have been turned down for an apprenticeship or know that you need to boost your employability skills, a traineeship could be your best option. You will carry out work experience with a reputable employer who will help teach you the transferable skills you will need to use throughout your working life. You don’t have to worry about fees as traineeships are completely free, so no student debt! You won’t be paid for your traineeship, but some employers may offer to pay your food/travel expenses and you may even be given a job offer at the end of your training.