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How can school leavers gain employability skills for a job?

If you've just finished your GCSEs and don't want to stay in education, find out how you can prepare for your career.


The Ambition AXA Awards found that 57% of employers are more likely to consider a candidate for a job role if they have relevant work experience. What is more important; employability skills or qualifications? And how do you get the skills that employers want?

For some careers, work experience is better than academic qualifications. However, for other careers, academic qualifications are favoured over experience. Are you uncertain whether to continue with education or find employment? The questions you have to ask are:

- What career do you want?

- What qualifications and experience does the career require you to have?

A lot of employers want to see that you have a balance of both qualifications and work experience. For example they will like to see that you have GCSEs and a part-time job, because it shows that you are:

  • Responsible
  • Organised
  • Able to apply yourself in an academic setting
  • Able to apply yourself in a working environment

How can I gain employability skills for work?

There are many different types of employability skills; these are known as soft and hard skills. Soft skills are skills that you might have learnt at school or from sports teams, such as teamwork. Hard skills are specific qualifications, such as GCSEs or A-levels.

You can obtain employability skills from school, volunteer jobs and part-time jobs. Employers will like to see that you have a varied skillset which is relevant to the role that you are applying for. (So make sure you thoroughly read the job description before you apply for any job.)

Study Programme 

If you are a school leaver it can be difficult to find a job because employers think that you lack the necessary employability skills. It’s a catch 22 situation, however we can help!

We have a Study Programme aimed at school leavers aged 16-18. The programme focuses on developing your employability skills. You will also receive 4 Edexcel qualifications:

  • Edexcel Level 2 diploma in Work Skills
  • Edexcel Functional Skills Level 2 (Maths, English & ICT)

Want to know the best part about our Study Programme? It isn’t like school! If you are tired of school after your GCSEs, you can enrol on our vocational focused programme. Our Study Programme runs Monday to Thursday; from 10am to 3pm. 

Find out more about our Study Programme now or check out our website to find the right employment or education assistance and support for you.