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Independent training providers delighted by growth in apprenticeships


Independent training providers delighted by growth in apprenticeships

160,300 young people aged 16 to 24 completed apprenticeships in 2010-11, which is up by 16.8% on the previous year's figure.

Independent training providers deliver in excess of 70% of apprenticeships across the country and have been at the forefront of government efforts in recent years to increase the number of people using vocational education as a route to employment.

Graham Hoyle, chief executive of the Association of Employment & Learning Providers commented:  "The latest official statistics show that right across the board, apprenticeships are playing a key role in lifting skill levels in the UK workforce and giving thousands of young people a successful start to their careers in manufacturing and service sectors."

Mr Hoyle added: "I am confident that when they review all the evidence in their new inquiry, MPs on the BIS select committee will conclude that government funding of the apprenticeship programme is proving to be good value for money.

"Amidst all the doom and gloom surrounding the economic outlook, employers and providers deserve major credit for significantly increasing the number of apprenticeship places and for offering quality training when they have to contend with higher costs on their businesses."

Twin Employment & Training are proud to be taking part in the resurgence of apprenticeships by offering young people in the south London area a variety of apprenticeship options.

Check out the programmes offered by Twin Employment & Training for more information.