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Information sessions for benefit claimants


Information sessions for benefit claimants

From now on, eligible claimants will be referred to a Work Programme information session. These claimants include those in the work-related activity group, with a work capability assessment prognosis greater than six months.

Other claimants eligible to volunteer for the Work Programme who are not subject to work-related activity can opt to attend an information session, such as those in the Support group.

The plan also aims to give providers greater ability to reach individual claimants who may not be aware of the support they can access, and help providers to manage their resources more effectively.

The government is introducing the information sessions on a phased basis, starting with the east midlands (contract package area 2) on 24 October with national coverage expected by the end of November 2011.

The Government hopes these information sessions will also encourage partnership working between providers and job centres at a local level.

Twin Group has recently won a government contract to deliver employment services to families with multiple difficulties in the south west of England.