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New guidelines for offering arts internships


New guidelines for offering arts internships

Arts Council England and Creative and Cultural Skills have published guidelines for arts organisations wanting to take on interns, including how to supply candidates with "meaningful experiences and responsibilities that contribute to the aims of the organisation".

The guidelines also outline appropriate remuneration rates that companies should offer to interns.

Arts Council chief executive Alan Davey said: "We firmly believe that arts and culture will benefit from the new ideas and perspectives presented by a workforce drawn from all sectors of society. Well-planned, paid internships have a role to play in bringing about this change by helping people from all backgrounds gain experience of working in the arts."

The conditions and pay offered to interns has been a controversial subject in recent months with MPs voicing concerns about transparency of recruitment for highly sought-after internship positions, as well as the unpaid status of some interns.

To read the full recommendations from the 'Internships in the Arts' guidelines, click here