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Twin Success Story: Robin Pratt

Discover how we've helped people gain employability skills and confidence, ensuring they could move towards, or find, employment.


Twin Employment and ESFA

As part of our Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) and European Social Fund (ESF) partnership we are able to help individuals who are looking for employment but need further assistance to improve their employability skills.

We aim to support individuals who are unemployed and economically inactive to progress and sustain employment, education or apprenticeships by gaining qualifications, training and support with getting a job. This programme is ideal for individuals who: lack confidence, need additional work experience, needs support with their basic skills, or those who need help when searching for jobs.

Case study: Robin Pratt

Robin Pratt was referred to the Skills Support for the Unemployed programme in order to enhance his job opportunities through a combination of meetings and training in Employability skills – which were tailored to his specific needs. The focus of the training and meetings were to build Robin’s confidence and prepare him to meet and engage with employers.

Robin had cared for his grandparents over recent years, which meant that he hadn’t any recent experience with employers. As part of his RHT employability skills training course he learnt how to build his confidence and develop his approach to applying for work, including updating his CV and learning more about the interview process and which interview techniques are necessary to secure a role.

Actions taken

To help Robin, we provided him with:

  • An employability skills training course tailored to his specific needs.
  • Advice and support in changing his CV
  • Advice and support in improving his interview techniques

Success story

As a result of the support provided, Robin was able to grow his confidence in employment scenarios, including approaching and meeting employers. Robin also was able to improve and understand the employment process better, which helped him to update his CV and reduce his nervousness surrounding finding a job.

Robin’s future plans are to further build up his employability skills, record new skills that he will learn, update his CV accordingly with employment details and review his notes and handouts from the course to help him see how far he has come.


If you want to get involved with any of our employment programmes, or if you want some help and support finding a job that is right for you, check out our Twin Employment and Training website and contact our team today.