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Top 10 websites for job seekers

Do you know about all of these important job sites and their features?


The internet has made it increasingly easy to find and apply for jobs. However, it can be easy to lose motivation after many hours of scrolling through the same jobsite. We suggest you mix it up every once in a while; there are hundreds of job sites, job boards and recruitment opportunities on the internet, don’t forget about the other websites.

You can easily do a search for these, or check out our top 10 job websites below:

  1. Directgov – this site is easy to navigate and allows users to log in, enabling you to save your details and CV and view your past applications, it also has many useful filters to help you narrow your search down, such as: the date the job was posted, whether it is a full or part time position, a search radius, and whether the position is temporary or permanent.
  2. Reed – this site has a vast array of jobs from across 42 sectors, throughout various locations in the United Kingdom and is very easy to use.
  3. Indeed – with various options, you can really optimise your job search on Indeed, not only can you search for your ideal job, you can also look at company reviews, and search and compare salaries across different companies.
  4. Monster – on this website, you can read up on the company’s profile before you apply to their jobs which means that you don’t have to click off the tab you’re on to do your own research on the company.
  5. Totaljobs – with over 195,000 job adverts and over 9,900 companies choosing to advertise on their website, you’d be a fool not to check out what job opportunities are on Totaljobs.
  6. The Guardian – this website has a clear and easy to use layout that is user friendly to all. On the job postings it details information that might be useful for your application, such as the: recruiter, location, salary, reference number, industry, job function, job level, hours, contract, listing type and education level. It also tells the user when the job was posted and when the position closes.
  7. Glassdoor – this site has all the classic features, such as jobs, company reviews and salary information; however it also has questions that other people were asked in their interviews, which is very useful for you to prepare for your own interview with a specific company.
  8. CV Library – like many of these job websites, CV Library has a mobile phone app that you can download to you smartphone and find job opportunities when you are out and about. You can apply to them whilst you are out too, or you can save them for later and apply once you are at your desktop.
  9. Jobsite – this website, like many other job websites, allows you to set up job alerts, so that you are emailed when new jobs are posted and you can apply as soon as possible, to help you beat the crowds of potential candidates.
  10. LinkedIn – a key benefit of using LinkedIn during your job search is that it allows you to research the company whilst you are contemplating applying for the role. Having a LinkedIn account also allows the company to view you and your achievements, so make sure your account is professional and ready to be viewed by potential employers.

If you are still struggling to find motivation, check out these steps to help you stay motivated when searching for work.


If you want to get involved with any of our employment programmes, or if you want some help and support finding a job that is right for you, check out our Twin Employment and Training website and contact our team today.