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Full or part-time work

Finding secure employment need not be a chore

The goal of many of our programmes is to 

We’re experts in helping people over 50 get back into work. Whether you need help with applications, preparing your CV, or looking for the right job, we can help.

If you’re ready to get back to work our advisors can help you every step of the way, from making applications to finding vacancies and preparing for interviews. We want to make sure that you give yourself the best chance possible, we are passionate about motivating people and helping them realise their full potential.

Our support service extends beyond helping you find and secure a job. We keep in contact with you afterwards to make sure you are happy in your new role.

For help and support finding, preparing for and securing a new job we offer the following programmes:

Over 50s Fast Track – Help getting over 50s into work
Fresh Start – Offering skills support for the unemployed
First Steps – Advice and guidance and adult education
Skills for Work – Help for those recently made redundant or recently facing redundancy