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Return to Education

We can help you get back to school

Age is no barrier to education. We'll help you on the path to learning.

More people than ever are returning to education after reaching the age of 50. We have a number of options to help you start learning and gain new qualifications.

If you think a return to education is the right choice for you we can help. You can meet with our advisors to discuss your goals and requirements. There are several options available to help over 50s back into education. If you’re not sure exactly what you want to do you can rely on our experienced advisors to help you understand the paths available to you.

We offer opportunities to gain qualifications and start a journey that leads to more education on the following programmes:

Over 50s Fast Track – Help getting over 50s into work
Fresh Start – Offering skills support for the unemployed
Skills for Work – Help for those recently made redundant or recently facing redundancy